
Showing posts from March, 2020

Hello from home

Hello to my wonderful, smart and curious grade ones!  I miss you!  I hope you are safe, healthy and enjoying this special time with your families.   There are lots of things we don't know right now about what school will look like for the next few months.   Until I know more I thought I could let your parents know about some of the things we were working on before these uncertain times hit.   If you choose you may want to show your parents these things: Social Studies - Landmark Research We were working on creating pages for a Calgary Landmark Book.  Most of us finished research and started either 1. writing our book pages on writereader or 2. building our landmark out of paper/cardboard.  Here is a list of the landmarks each boy chose.  If you want to research and create more pages that would be amazing!   Here is also a picture of the class login for writereader.  Look at Mrs. Palmer's book for an example. Literacy - Response to "the Chocolate Touch" I j

March 12, 2020

Today we had a special presentation by Alvin Law.

March 11

Lots of great work today!

March 10, 2020

See photos below

March 9, 2020

Happy Monday!

March 6, 2020

Today was our Learning Celebration.  The boys did an amazing job!!

March 3, 2020

For the past week we have been learning many of the ways to make the long vowel sounds.  We’ve learned about ‘bossy e’, two vowels together and y endings. We will continue this work for another week.   We are writing daily in our writing books and during daily 5 stations.   We are also working through our printing books. Some of us are almost finished! In math we are becoming more fluent in making tens through games.  This week we started naming 3D shapes and noticing and comparing their attributes.  The boys are getting really good at all of the aspects of Number of the Day.  Today our number was 60. We are looking at our community of Calgary and looking at different landmarks.  Each student chose a landmark to focus on and draw today.